Publications and other output
- von Unger, Hella; Huber, Anna; Kühner, Angela; Odukoya, Dennis; Reiter, Herwig (2022): Reflection Labs. A Space for Researcher Reflexivity in Participatory Collaborations. In: International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21. (last accessed on 28.11.22).
- Mohammadi, Maryam; Wächter-Raquet, Marcus (2022): Empowerment geflüchteter Frauen am Beispiel des Projektes EMPOW [Empowerment of Refugee Women Using the Example of the EMPOW Project]. In: Impu!se 116, p.27. (last accessed on 27.10.22).
- Huber, Anna; Krasniqi, Squipe; M’Bayo, Rosaline; Odukoya, Dennis; Wächter-Raquet, Marcus; von Unger, Hella (2022): Leben auf engstem Raum. Forschen auf Distanz? Partizipative Gesundheitsforschung mit Geflüchteten in der Corona-Pandemie [Living in a tight space. Researching at a distance? Participatory Health Research with Refugees in the Corona Pandemic]. PH Lens Working Paper Series 2/22. University of Bielefeld. (last accessed on 01.08.22).
- Huber, Anna; Odukoya, Dennis; von Unger, Hella (2022): Vulnerabilität, Gesundheit und Empowerment. Partizipative Forschung mit Geflüchteten [Vulnerability, health and empowerment. Participatory Research with Refugees]. Abstract „Armut & Gesundheit“, (last accessed on 13.06.22).
- Mohammadi, Maryam; Wächter-Raquet, Marcus; Odukoya, Dennis (2021): Health promotion through digital means. Refugee women using video and social media in times of COVID-19. In: European Journal of Public Health 31(Suppl 3), (last accessed on 13.06.22).
- Namutebi, Lydia; Nakyazze Oliver Christine, Bamuwayira Ahmed; Huber, Anna; Krasniqi, Shqipe (2021): “Life in the camps makes you sick.” Results of a photovoice project with refugees in Munich, Germany. In: European Journal of Public Health 31(Suppl 3), (last accessed on 13.06.22).
- von Unger, Hella (2021): Workshop. Participatory health research with refugees. Voices, experiences, and methodologies. In: European Journal of Public Health 31(Suppl 3), (last accessed on 13.06.22).
- Huber, Anna; Odukoya, Dennis, von Unger, Hella (2020): Gesundheit nach der Flucht – Warum partizipative Forschung angemessen ist [Health after fleeing – Why participatory research is appropriate]. In: Impulse für Gesundheitsförderung 106, p.20-21. (last accessed on 13.06.22).
- Huber, Anna; Namutebi, Lydia; Krasniqi, Squipe (2020): Empowerment. Warum Massenunterkünfte krank machen [Empowerment. Why mass shelters make people sick]. Jahresbericht Refugio München, (last accessed on 13.06.22).
- Odukoya, Dennis; von Unger, Hella (i.E.): Partizipative Forschung [Participatory research]. In: Berlinghoff, Marcel; Glorius, Birgit; Kleist, Olaf; Scharrer, Tabea (Hrsg.): Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Interview with Hella von Unger (2022): „Es ist viel mehr Partizipation möglich, als man denkt“ [“There’s a lot more participation possible than you think”], (last accessed on 13.06.22).
- Podcast episode with Hella von Unger (last accessed on 13.06.22). „#09 Digitale partizipative Forschung [Digital participatory research]“ in „Highways to health“ of LVG AFS Niedersachsen e.V.,